Política De Privacidad Y Términos De Uso

Privacy Statement

A. Privacy Policy – Legal, Lawful and Transparent Processing

The company MEGAS YEEROS S.A. (“MEGAS YEEROS” or the “company”) and its associated companies, in particular the company MEGAS YEEROS LLC, set as their priority and are committed to respect and extensively protect the privacy, the personal data, especially the personal information (e.g. full name details) and contact information (e.g. home/work address, email, telephone number, land line or mobile, or fax) and the security of the electronic communications and transactions of the natural persons, customers, potential customers and users or guests on their websites and in case of legal entities, their representatives, agents and employees, in compliance with the relevant European and national legislation on a case-by-case basis, the decisions of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority and these terms of use or any other special terms of use that you shall be notified of. In case that any data are transferred to our subsidiary seated in the U.S.A., MEGAS YEEROS LLC, apply the binding safeguards provided in art. 46, par. 2, point b and 47 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 that will be communicated to you upon their approval by the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.

You may use the website of our company without communicating any of your personal data. When using this website, certain data are automatically stored on our servers or proxy-cache servers, as described below. To the extent that the guest wishes to receive information or services, place orders and/or file complaints and/or make declarations of will or express his interest, enter into contracts, participation in competitions and prize promotions and in general use our website in order to carry out transactions, it is highly likely that it would be necessary for more personal data to be collected and processed. If the process of personal data is required and there is no other legal basis for its legitimacy, we ask for the consent of the data subject or the data subjects, especially in case of transfer to third parties.

Please read carefully the following information on the policy of our company that will help you understand the kind and the extent as well as the conditions under and the way in which our company processes the personal data of the natural persons in the context of par. 1 and 2 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, their purposes, the legal basis and the duration of the processing or the criteria that define it, the legal interests that our company or third parties pursue, the recipients or the categories of recipients of the personal data and the security measures that our company implements for safeguarding the integrity and the confidentiality of the personal data. Hereby, we also inform you on your rights as data subjects based on art. 12 and 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679. In general, we use the terminology and the definitions of the said Regulation that you may access by clicking HERE.

If you do not agree wholly or partly with these terms you must not visit the website of our company nor provide data to us, otherwise you should exercise your rights described below. Otherwise, just the use of the website from now on that requires for the acceptance of these terms or the acceptance of this privacy policy or the provisions of your personal data to our company or any associated company thereto, means that you have consented to the processing of your personal data by our company or any other associated company thereto, especially the company MEGAS YEEROS LLC or any third party – processor.

B. Collection and Processing of personal data, purpose of the processing and consent to the concession of data

Our company collects, keeps in record and processes any personal data of the guests/users of the website, potential customers and customers that it might become aware of by introducing at the same time every necessary measure in order to ensure the confidentiality of the said information. Our company collects the following but not limited to categories of personal data:

1. General personal data or guests/users of the website

Our company’s website collects upon every visit by the data subject or an automated system several general data and information. There general data and information are stored on logfiles of the server. The following but not limited to are stored: (1) the name of the internet provider, (2) the types and versions of the browser that is used, (3) the operational system that the user uses, (4) the information on the website and the webpage through which the user accessed the website and our webpage and the information of the websites and/or the webpages that he visits from our website or our webpage, (5) the date and time of the visit to the website, (6) the IP address of the computer or the device that the user uses and in general traffic data or location data on your electronic communication, (7) other respective data and information that are used in order to prevent any network, software or hardware risks and to prevent and suppress any online attack to the information systems of our company or its associates.

Although these data could be used in collaboration with the competent authorities for the identification and the tracking of the user, they are only used for specific reasons while the user remains anonymous unless he chooses to reveal his identity or the legal grounds for processing the identity information of the user apply. At first nonetheless, the company does not seek to identify the user. The reasons for processing the said data are the following but not limited to: (1) the proper transmission of the content of our company’s website, (2) the optimization of the content of our company’s website as well as its advertising, (3) the assurance of the continuous access and operability of the system and our website, (4) the notification of the authorities in case of criminal acts or torts committed online. As to the remainder, the data and information collected are used on one hand for statistics and on the other hand in order to enhance the security and the protection of our company’s data in favor of our users and customers. The anonymous data on the logfiles of the server are stored separately from all the personal data that the user himself provides.

2. Personal data that you provide to our company in your capacity as the customer thereof:

The following but not limited to: full name, father’s name, profession, residence address, work address, commercial address, telephone number (fixed line or mobile) or facsimile, email address and in general telephone or email contact information, tax identification number (TIN) and the competent tax office, ID card information (e.g. ID card no. or passport no, date of issue, issuing authority etc.)

3. Personal data that you provide to our company in your capacity as a potential customer thereof:

The following but not limited to: full name, father’s name, profession, residence address, work address, commercial address, telephone number (fixed line or mobile) or facsimile, email address and in general telephone or email contact information.

The data in points 2 and 3 are collected by you in the course of your transaction with our company especially in the course of placing an order for products or services or filing requests or inquiries thereon or participating in competitions of our company.

The collection occurs mainly through the visits to our website by filling-in your data to the relevant forms or electronic applications, by registering to our customers’ lists or users/guests to our website, by receiving and filling-in precontractual or contractual texts, letter or emails etc.

The collected data and any data resulting from them are kept by our company and on our servers or the servers of our partners and in general on memory units and information applications of ours or third parties that process your data in the E.U. In case that you access the websites of the associated company MEGAS YEEROS LLC or any company associated to us outside the E.U. through our website, it is possible for your personal data to be transferred, collected and processed outside the E.U.

The data in points 2 and 3 are collected by you in the course of your transaction with our company especially in the course of placing an order for products or services or filing requests or inquiries thereon or participating in competitions of our company. The collection occurs mainly through the visits to our website by filling-in your data to the relevant forms or electronic applications, by registering to our customers’ lists or users/guests to our website, by receiving and filling-in precontractual or contractual texts, letter or emails etc. The following but not limited to: full name, father’s name, profession, residence address, work address, commercial address, telephone number (fixed line or mobile) or facsimile, email address and in general telephone or email contact information.